Source code for umbr_api.get

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""API call to Umbrella Enforcement API to get blocked domain list.

    Examples can be given using either the ``Example`` or ``Examples``
    sections. Sections support any reStructuredText formatting, including
    literal blocks::

        >>> from umbr_api.get import get_list
        >>> response = get_list(key="KEY")
        >>> print(response.status_code)

    PEP 484 type annotations are supported. If attribute, parameter, and
    return types are annotated according to PEP 484, they do not need to be
    included in the docstring:

    * Add args to show all existing records without pagination.



import json
from datetime import datetime

from logzero import logger
from tabulate import tabulate

from umbr_api._http_requests import send_get
from umbr_api.credentials import get_key
from import json_to_table

[docs]def get_list(page=1, limit=10, key=None, exclude=None, **kwargs): """Return response tuple as response to API call. Note: Up to 200 records can be returned by API. Args: page (int): Page # to request. limit (int): Limit number of records to request. key (str): API key, if not specify obtain via ``key`` module. Returns: Return ``requests.Response`` object. """ assert isinstance(page, int) assert isinstance(limit, int) key = get_key(key=key) response = None api_uri = ( "" + "domains?customerKey=" + key ) api_uri += "&page={0}&limit={1}".format(page, limit) response = send_get(url=api_uri) format_response( response.status_code, json.loads(response.text), exclude, **kwargs ) return response
[docs]def format_response(code, json_response, exclude, **kwargs): """Format results.""" if code == 200: print( "Page: {}\nLimit: {}\n".format( json_response["meta"]["page"], json_response["meta"]["limit"] ) ) for idx, record in enumerate(json_response["data"]): time_str = datetime.fromtimestamp(record["lastSeenAt"]).strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) json_response["data"][idx]["lastSeenAt"] = time_str table = json_to_table(json_response["data"], exclude_col=exclude) print( tabulate( table[1:], headers=table[0], tablefmt=kwargs.get("format") ) ) else: print("Error") try: for key, value in json_response.items(): logger.error("%s %s", key, value) except KeyError as msg: print("Get abnormal code while read:", code) logger.exception(msg)
[docs]def main(test_key=None): """Test if executed directly.""" # Standard request get_list(key=test_key, **{"format": "psql"}) # Request with pagination get_list(page=2, limit=2, key=test_key) # Request with pagination, max limit is 200 records, # so the last one will fail with error 400 get_list(page=1, limit=201, key=test_key)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()